Roof Inspection for the Auchentoshan Distillery
Providing data to enable proactive maintenance
Getting high quality data quickly
With limited onsite time to inspect several buildings the drone provided a fast and effective way to collect the required data.
Droneflight were commissioned to conduct the roof inspection of the distillery and the other six main buildings on site.
The inspections were completed using an Aerialtronics ATX8 UAV equipped with a Sony A6000 camera with a remotely controlled zoom lens. This UAV is manufactured in the Netherlands to an aviation standard and is equipped with a number of redundant systems, including main flight power and motors, to ensure the safety of every mission.
Without the need for expensive access equipment or staff working at height, we were able to ascertain the condition of the roof with respect to water ingress, holes and corrosion at a fraction of time and cost.
Establish the context
The drone and camera are able to provide excellent overview images of the buildings. These images provided quick feedback to direct the inspection to the areas that needed closer investigation.
With a powerful zoom the A6000 camera was able to assist in the delivery of a safe inspection by enabling a large stand off distance from the buildings under inspection.