Our News
And some (possibly) interesting observations

Mapping Metal Mine Restoration
England has a long history of mining for minerals which has contributed to our economic wellbeing but has left us with a legacy of hundreds of thousands of closed mine sites and the resulting impact on the environment.

Fast Fan Project
As part of the Welsh Government’s SMARTExpertise programme, the FAST-Fan is one of the last projects to be funded via the European Regional Development Fund. WGU has collaborated with six UK based SMEs (Ad-Manum UAS Technologies Ltd, Invertek Drives Ltd, Motor Design Ltd., Drone-Flight Ltd, Geola Technologies Ltd and Tirius Ltd) to provide the analyses, design and manufacture of a patented prototype rim-driven, ‘FAST-Fan’ electrical jet aircraft engine.

Large UXO Survey
We recently completed a large UXO survey, over 9km in length for a major construction project.
Wingtra Oblique Camera Payload
Providing us with the ability to deliver large scale digital twins that are captured using an efficient fixed wing platform the oblique camera payload is an exciting edition to our capabilities with the Wingtra One.

Mapping Giant Hogweed
We are running a research project into mapping Giant Hogweed using RGB and Multispectral data. We are mapping a problem area on the river Tees with the Tees Rivers Trust. As we have been capturing this data over time the impact of the control work can be seen over time and the data might be able to help predictions of future spread.

Lectures to MSC Students at Wrexham Glyndwr University
Andrew has been presenting a set of lectures and workshops to University Students at Wrexham Glyndwr University. These have primarily been focused on the MSc in Unmanned Aircraft System Technology students but also to students from other disciplines. This has provided the students practical insight into real world operations and business experience in the application of drones.