Wingtra Oblique Camera Payload
As part of our programme of improving our capability and services that we can offer we have invested in the Wingtra Oblique Camera Payload. The key benefit of this is improved reconstruction of sides of buildings compared to a NADIR (a camera that is pointing directly at the ground) payload. This enables the Wingtra to be used for capturing large area digital twins very quickly (compared to multi rotor drones).
Image of 3D reconstruction of Egglestone Abbey created from photos captured at 100m above ground by Wingtra using oblique camera payload.
As you can see from the image above the vertical faces of the abbey are very well reconstructed. This is enabled by the camera on the drone being angled slightly forwards and the very wide angle lens used (illustrated below).
The 42MP NADIR payload for the Wingtra, which is class leading for mapping but is a NADIR camera does not deliver a good reconstruction of the sides of the Egglestone Abbey in 3D (see below). This is basically because the camera is not looking at the correct angle for this type of reconstruction to be sucessful.
Image of 3D reconstruction created from photos captured at 100m above ground by Wingtra using NADIR camera payload.